What is Clickbank ?

Clickbank is basically an affilate site where you can find tens of thousands of digital products to simply just ... promote - earning a commission of up to 75% of the product price.

What people don't realize is that its also a place where you can gain affricates to promote YOUR own product !This is when you become a Vendor. 

I personally think its easier becoming a vendor however the money may not be as great as an affiliate ...

What is an Affiliate? 

An affiliate is someone who promotes a product or service to potential customers, in exchange for a commission on the sale when one occurs.


 Whats a Vendor ?

A Clickbank vendor is someone like you who has created a digital product, such as an e book, a piece of software, or a subscription-based website, that they want to sell online.


I want to be an affiliate but where do I start ?

Steps to complete to become an offical affiliate 

  1. Find a product 
  2. Get the hoplink 
  3. Promote product 
  4. Earn commission !


Ways to Promote the product

Now there are different ways to promote a product that you are an affliate for. Some have their pros and others have their cons.

Niche Sites & Blogs 

I personally think this is one of the easiest ways to promote a product . Set up a blog or site and just write about the product ? Yes if you have experience with the product .If you don't just recommend it but make sure the site/blog doesn't revolve around just that product , talk about other things that relate to the product .Getting traffic maybe hard , just takes dedication : Visit forums , chat sites and tell them about your blog , youtube videos etc..

Pros: Low cost/ free; May get a lot of traffic from search engines/ social media sites 

Cons: Time-consuming; May take a lot of effort before you start actually getting traffic; can be competitive if there are many other sites in your niche

Social Media Sites 

I would have put this in 1st place but it has a few cons that make it very hard to actually make it very difficult to actually earn commission. With social media sites such as Twitter , Facebook , chat sites etc its very easy to get connected to a lot of people however that traffic isn't targeted , that being said social users do NOT like to be sold : theres a chance you may be labeled as a spammer. Some users may click on your link which will get you traffic so thats a great advantage.

Pros: Free; Easy to get started and participate in; May reach huge audiences; Many social sites and services to participate in

Cons: Lots of competition on popular services like Twitter; Many people on social networks don’t like to be sold to

Search Engines

Search engine optimization 

(SEO) is basically trying to get your website, blog, or other page ranked highly in search engines for a keyword or phrase. The ultimate goal is to drive free traffic to your website or promotion when someone searches on that keyword.You get great traffic with this technique .However it takes time to learn how to do it , yet alone the best strategies with this method.

Pros: Typically free; Huge amounts of traffic; Long-term returns

Cons: Steep learning curve; Search engine positions change regularly; May take a long time before you see results; Competitive

Pay per click advertising 

(PPC) is when you place paid advertisements in search engine results for a particular keyword or phrase. You have to pay the search engine if someone clicks on your advertisement. Many very successful affiliates pay to advertise on the search engines since they get large amounts of targeted traffic but its cost alot of money and takes time for you to actually find the right keywords.

Pros: Quick ; Popular keywords get a lot of traffic quickly; Well-qualified traffic

Cons: Can be extremely expensive; highly competitive; Rules ; A lot of research 

I want to be a Vendor but where do I start ?

Steps to complete to become an official vendor 

  1. Make a product 
  2. Pay the fee 
  3. Earn money


Making a product

Now there are different digital products and ways to make them : and surprisingly they aren't as hard as they sound.


Now ebooks are possible the only thng on this list that make it easy being a vendor. All you have to do is write about something you know or instructions just anything that make the e-book worth reading : PLEASE DO NOT SCAM (meaning write about complete crap or untruths )

Now theres a reason why I wrote that in cappital lettrs , its simply becuase you will fail.Trust me you would !

Wanna Know how to make an eBook ? Click here 

Build a Subscription Site

Buy a Site , then simply just create an subscription page . Make sure you choose your topic wisely and to capture subscribers try and offer a free trail or maybe a reduced price .It can be anything such as advice ,weight loss programs etc. If you don't give them what they signed up for they will unsubscribe and you will loose money. Period


If you believe you are a computer wiz , make a software . Then submit it to Clickbank . 

I would advise you to research more on these topics if you are interested in becoming a vendor.